6:00 –
9:00 PM |
8:00 –
10:00 AM |
MONTEREY ROOM Crowdfunding
Do Your Social Contacts Make You a Better Borrower? A Field Experiment
Lu, Lu and Wang Crowd Bias and Machine Learning: Evidence from Crowd Lending
Fu, Huang and Singh How Rewarding Is the Reward? Demand Estimation of Crowdfunding Platforms
Doosti and Tan Sympathy to the Seemingly Needy: Does Social Influence Alleviate Biases in Medical Crowdfunding?
Hur, Jin, Cheng, Li and Hu |
Does Machine Translation Affect International Trade? Evidence from a Large Digital Platform
Brynjolfsson, Hui and Liu The Impact of Algorithms on Judicial Discretion: Evidence from Regression Discontinuities
Cowgill Is Artificial Intelligence a Disruption or Innovation for Firms?: Contradictory Effects of AI on Call Center Performance
Choe, Kim, Park and Im Catch Me If You Can — Detecting Fake Online Reviews Using Deep Learning
Shukla, Wang, Gao and Agarwal |
10:00 –
10:20 AM |
Break |
10:20 AM –
12:20 PM |
The Windowing Challenge: Do Shorter Home Video Release Windows Cannibalize Box Office Ticket Sales?
Danaher and Smith Mobile Technology Policy, Attention Allocation, and Student Performance: Evidence from a Video-Tracking Randomized Field Experiment
Deng, Cheng, Ferreira and Pavlou The Attraction Effect in Reward-Based Crowdfunding
Weinmann, Simons, Tietz and Kaiser The Impact of Contest Structure on Crowdsourcing Contestant Performance
Jin, Ba, Lee and Stallaert |
Machine Learning and Occupational Change
Rock, Brynjolfsson and Mitchell Gender Differences in Job Preferences
Liang, Hong, Gu and Peng Pipes versus Prisms: Direct Messaging System and Hiring Outcomes in Online Labor Markets
Hong, Peng, Burtch and Huang Falling from Digital Grace: Participation in Online Software Contests Following Loss of Status
Deodhar, Babar and Burtch |
12:30 –
2:00 PM |
Lunch and Keynote Speaker
The Role of Academic Research at Uber Jonathan Hall, Chief Economist at Uber |
2:00 –
4:00 PM |
Offline to Online
Does Offline Travel Regulate Online Browsing?
Sun, Ghose and Luo How Do Bricks Add to Clicks? Understanding the Impact of Showrooming on Online Purchase Behaviors
Chan, Wang, Xu and Chen Putting Prediction into Practice: The Case of Restaurant Hygiene Inspections
Glaeser, Hillis, Kim and Luca Completing the Online-Offline Circle at the Last Mile: A Large Randomized Field Experiment
Han, Sun, Chu and Wu |
Do Digital Platforms Reduce Moral Hazard? The Case of Uber and Taxis
Liu, Brynjolfsson and Dowlatabadi Realizing the Potential of Integrated Logistics: A Structural Modeling Approach
Singh, Zhang and Jin Estimating Network Effects in Mobile Platforms
Singh, Hosanagar and Nevo Software-Based Innovation and Value Creation in the IT Hardware Industry
Kim, Lee and Gopal |
4:00 –
4:20 PM |
Break |
4:20 –
6:30 PM |
Social Media
Effects of Disclosing Sponsorship on User Engagement in Social Media
Cao and Belo Social Media Sharing and Online News Consumption
Zhao and Aral Open Voice or Private Message? The Hidden Tug-of-War on Social Media Customer Service
He, Lee and Rui Social Influence in Purchasing Daily Deals: The Moderating Role of Product Characteristics
Cao, Li and Pavlou |
Methods and Applications
How Much Can Firms Trust Their Experiments? An Empirical Meta-Analysis of P-Hacking in A/B Testing
Miller and Hosanagar Effectiveness of Paid Search Advertising: Experimental Evidence
Dai, Kim and Luca Prescriptive Analytics Using Heterogeneous Treatment Effects
McFowland, Gangarapu, Bapna and Sun Using Ego-Clusters to Measure Network Effects at LinkedIn
Saint-Jacques, Varshney, Simpson and Xu |
7:00 –
9:00 PM |
8:00 –
10:00 AM |
Platform Pricing
Platforms, Pricing and Piracy
Chellappa and Mukherjee Platform Valuation and Network Effects
Zhou and Van Alstyne Platform Competition with Multihoming on Both Sides: Subsidize or Not?
Halaburda and Bakos Online Intermediaries, Prices, and Survival: A Study of OpenTable and New York City Restaurants
Cheyre and Acquisti |
I Hear You — Do Online Reviews Lead to Quality Improvements?
Ananthakrishnan, Proserpio and Sharma Deciphering the Recursive Relationships Between Quality and Crowd Size in Online Open Collaboration
Zhang, Ren and Kraut Be Gentle to the Newbies: Heterogeneous Impact of Negative Feedback in Online Communities with a Field Experiment
Chen, Brandimarte, Zhu and Jing Double-Sided Adverse Selection and Bilateral Reviews in Sharing Economy
Tunc, Cavusoglu and Raghunathan |
10:00 –
10:20 AM |
Break |
10:20 AM –
12:20 PM |
Pricing Efficiently in Designed Markets: Evidence from Ride Sharing
Hall, Horton and Knoepfle The Effects of Mandatory Online Disclosure of Supermarket Prices
Ater and Rigbi Revenue Management in Cloud Computing Market
Zhai, Stinchcombe and Whinston The Impact of Source-Based Bundling Strategy on Content Consumption Behavior: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment
Ding and Phan |
Fun Shopping — A Randomized Field Experiment on Gamification
Ho, Liu and Wang Effect of Gamification on Healthful Activity: The Case of Fitbit Leaderboards
Hydari, Adjerid and Striegel The Impact of an Augmented-Reality Game on Local Businesses: A Study of Pokémon Go on Restaurants
Pamuru, Khern-Am-Nuai and Kannan Effect of Technology Non-Neutrality and Information Transparency on Sequential Pricing in Decarbonizing Power Markets
Koolen, Bunn, Ketter and Gupta |
12:30 –
2:00 PM |
Lunch and Business Meeting |
2:00 –
4:00 PM |
User Generated Content
Ideological Segregation Among Online Collaborators: Evidence from Wikipedians
Greenstein, Gu and Zhu Interacting User-Generated Content Technologies: How Questions & Answers Affect Consumer Reviews
Banerjee, Dellarocas and Zervas Superstar Developers as Drivers of Open Source Software Innovation
Wang and Tambe Identifying and Predicting Temporal Patterns in the Quality Evolution of Wikipedia Articles
Zhang, Ren and Kraut |
A Bitter Pill to Swallow? The Consequences of Patient Evaluation in Online Health Q&A Platforms
Chen and Walker The Impact of Telehealth on Healthcare Resource Utilization
Ayabakan, Bardhan and Zheng Digital Multisided Platforms and Women's Health: An Empirical Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Lending and Abortion Rates
Ozer, Gopal and Greenwood Empirical Investigation of Clinical and Process Implications of Using Telemedicine for Migraine Management
Rajan, Seidmann and Friedman |
4:00 –
4:20 PM |
Break |
4:20 –
6:20 PM |
Short Paper Presentations
Leadership and Contribution Behavior in Online Communities: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design
Oppong-Tawiah, Bassellier and Ramaprasad User Contribution and Its Social-welfare Value in a Mobile Navigation App for Real-time Traffic Information Around Urban Areas
Kim, Guo, Susarla and Sambamurthy Effect of Sponsored Listings on Online Marketplaces: The Role of Information Asymmetry
Sharma, Abhishek and Jerath Will Product Scarcity Messages Persuade Consumers? Evidence from a Field Experiment
Gao, Jiang and Phan |
Short Paper Presentations
Robots, Employment, and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Canadian Microdata
Dixon, Hong and Wu The End of Job Polarization? Information Technology, Industrial Robot, and Employment in US Manufacturing
Eun, Park and Lee Bitcoin Mining Cartels: Will Bitcoin Ever Scale?
Malik, Aseri and Singh Consumption of Information in News and Stock Returns
Yang, Chakrabarti, Agarwal and Konana |
Don’t Leave Home(page): On- and Off-Platform Distribution Channels in the Social Era
Salomon and Barzilay Selling on Social Media: Impact of Fan Page Stores on Offline Sales
Wang, Jung and Wattal More Engagement or Just Skipping to the Good Part: The Impact of Live Ratings on Online Video Consumption
Choi and Cho |
What Is Your Phone Number? Effects of Randomized Monetary Incentives for App Download Promotion
Jeon, Sim and Cho When Small Businesses Become Data Driven: A Field Experiment
Bar-Gill, Brynjolfsson and Hak Reputation Inflation
Filippas, Horton and Golden Shared Prosperity (or Lack Thereof) in the Sharing Economy
Alyakoob and Rahman |
6:30 PM
Program Concludes